D-Lab is the largest on-boarding data science organization on campus, providing extra-curricular services that meet you where you are at. We help you learn data science tools and methods and apply them to your research.
Have a question you’d like to run by someone before you speak to your advisor? Getting an error message when you run a regression model in STATA or R? Have a bunch of addresses you’d like to map? Trying to develop a qualitative research plan? These are all questions D-Lab’s consulting services can assist you with.
Looking for something to do this summer that includes a data science perspective? If so, enroll in the Digital Humanities Summer Program to gain practical, technical, and programming skills and experience while engaging with fascinating content from the arts and humanities.
The Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group (DHWG) is for more than just networking, we workshop student projects, provide hackspace opportunities, combine meetings with other working groups on campus, and run the annual DH Faire. This semester we meet every other Thursday from 11AM-12PM in the D-Lab Collaboratory 356 Barrows. We have a meeting this week on March 22nd, the DH Faire from April 2-9, and our end of the year gathering on April 26 remaining this semester.
In recent years, increasing numbers of the UC Berkeley community have wanted to learn to program. And what better language to code in than Python? From grad students incorporating computation into their research and staff making their workflows more efficient, to undergrads working on the next big app, Cal Bears love to code. Check out the graph below that shows how popular Python has become in the last few years (source: StackOverflow Blog).
Depending on our field of study and home department, it may be difficult to access courses, join projects, or otherwise engage in work that prepares us to do high-quality qualitative and mixed-methods research. This is true for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdocs, faculty, and others. At D-Lab, we strive to support everyone in our community in their efforts to become great researchers no matter their methodological orientation.
From the colonial days to the present, American history is interwoven with the African American experience. However, many significant events from African American history remain relatively unknown. The Louisiana Slave Conspiracies project is working to make source materials from two slave conspiracies in 1791 and 1795 accessible to interested researchers. A collaborative multidisciplinary team, led by Professor Bryan Wagner in the UC Berkeley English Department, is developing an interactive digital archive of these materials.