Looking for an on ramp to get started with data science which, according to LinkedIn, is one of the fastest growing job areas in the country? It's not too late to join Data 8x, the online version of one of UC Berkeley's fastest growing undergradate class, Foundations of Data Science.

To help you get started and provide a little support and comraderie, D-Lab is starting a new working group for those of you, who like myself, want to see what the secret sauce is that Data 8x uses to teach statistics + computing in the python juypter notebook environment. I've done some python programming but I want to refresh my skills to prepare for diving into Machine Learning. So, sign-up for the class, it's free, and come join me on Friday's beginning April 20, from 10-12 in room 356 Barrows Hall and we will co-work on the Data 8x notebooks together!  Sign up here!