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When & Where
Wed, October 19, 2016 - 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Barrows 64: D-Lab Instructional Lab

This three-part series will cover the following materials:

Part I: Introduction (Wednesday, October 12)

  • Getting a dataset into Stata (no previous knowledge expected)
  • Examining a dataset and finding variables of interest
  • Summarizing and tabulating variables
  • Stata specific tools and resources (do files, logs, help files, etc.)
  • Coding and cleaning data (making new variables from old variables; labeling variables and values, etc.)
  • Using logical operators in Stata
  • Cross-tabulations

Part II: Data Analysis in Stata (Wednesday, October 19)

  • Correlation
  • T-tests
  • OLS and logistic regression (basic syntax, using interaction terms, interpreting output)
  • Visualization (histograms, bar graphs, scatter plots)
  • Regression postestimation (getting predicted values, basic graphs)
  • Merging and appending datasets

Part III: Stata Programming (Wednesday, October 26)

  • Local and global variables (macros)
  • Looping (foreach, forvalues)
  • Reshaping data between wide and long formats
  • Recalling and using command output
  • Generating nicely formatted journal-style tables

Prior knowledge: A basic understanding of variables (nominal, ordinal, continuous), descriptive stats (mean, standard deviation), correlation, and regression would be assumed.

Technology requirement: You do not need to bring your own computer as this workshop will be held in a computer lab with access to Stata. If you bring your computer, you can install a trial version of Stata, but please arrive 15 minutes early. 

Registration note: To participate in multiple parts of this intensive, please be sure to register for each day separately.

Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Jack Burris
Format Detail: 
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