Beki is a Ph.D. student in the Department of City and Regional Planning (DCRP). She's a big fan of using spatial data visualization tools to help understand complex sociopolitical problems. Her interests include disaster governance, knowledge politics, and development finance. She has worked for state and local governments as a planner, and in the field of disaster risk reduction in program management and consulting. She is currently in the field in Mexico where she’s studying the ‘muddy politics’ of climate change and state responsibility.
Dr. Patty Frontiera is the D-Lab Data Services Lead and a geospatial data scientist. She is the the official campus representative for ICPSR, the Roper Center, and the Census State Data Center network, and serves as the Co-Director of the Berkeley Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC). Patty also develops the geospatial workshop curriculum, teaches workshops and consults on geospatial topics. Patty has been with the D-Lab since 2014 and served as the the Academic Coordinator through Spring 2017. Patty received her Ph.D.