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When & Where
Thu, March 12, 2015 - 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
D-Lab: Convening Room (356 Barrows Hall)

Come join us for an ArcGIS installfest.  ArcGIS is the main GIS (geographic information system) software used with and beyond academia for geographical and spatial analysis as well as cartography and map production. The focus will be on helping attendees install ArcGIS on their Macs, as this is a much harder software setup than on a windows PC. But windows users looking for support are also welcome.

This is a proprietary software and quite expensive. Fortunately UCB has a site license for students, faculty and staff. You can apply for a one year academic license key via the UCB Geospatial Innovation Faciliaty (GIF) website.

Before the workshop please:

If you have a Mac:

  • Check your system configuration - you will need at least 4GB of RAM and 10GB of free disk space for the install. Note: Macbook Airs may not be sufficiently configured for this install.
  • Download and install VirtualBox from the VirtualBox website. You need an OS environment on the Mac in which you can install Windows. VirtualBox is one of your options (others include bootcamp, Parallels and VMwareFusion), but this installfest will be supporting VirtualBox.
  • Download Windows 7 or Windows 8 (your preference) from software.berkeley.edu. Note: students, faculty and staff can download and install one copy of Windows so if you already have used your license you may not be able to do this install!
Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Patty Frontiera