Training: R Bootcamp 2016
August 20, 2016 to August 21, 2016

The workshop will be an intensive two-day introduction to R using RStudio. Topics will include

April 18, 2016 to April 25, 2016

This workshop will introduce the D3 javascript library and provide hands-on examples to create charts and maps with sample data. This is a two part workshop!

May 4, 2016

This workshop will introduce geocoding - the process of determining the geographic coordinates for place names, zip codes or addresses.

April 25, 2016

A picture paints a thousand words! But in reality, with the exception of using sample survey weights, graphing data and results is often one of the most troublesome aspects of data analysis.

April 8, 2016

The goal of this workshop is to show students how to map census data using QGIS, a free and open source desktop software tool for working with geographic data.

April 20, 2016

We'll learn about spatial data projection, cartography, and basic spatial analysis in Python.

April 13, 2016

We'll learn how to create animated 3-d data visualizations in Python. This sort of visualization method is useful to demonstrate different perspectives of a three dimensional data set.

April 7, 2016

In this workshop we will learn about the basic concepts involved in georeferencing and get some hands-on experience with the process in QGIS, a free, open-source GIS tool.

April 13, 2016

In this workshop we will learn about the basic concepts involved in georeferencing and get some hands-on experience with the process in ArcGIS, a common GIS software platform.

March 16, 2016

** CANCELLED ***  ** CANCELLED *** To be Rescheduled ***
