This workshop will introduce methods and libraries for mapping spatial data in R.
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Come learn how to build a map with your public health data! We’ll discus the basics of spatial data and talk about useful places to find health data.
This introduction will discuss what data the Census collects, how it can be accessed and used, what the content and geographic coverage of the surveys are, and issues or concerns to think about whe
This workshop will provide an overview of resources on campus for getting started with geographic data, spatial analysis and mapping.
This workshop will provide an overview of resources on campus for getting started with geographic data, spatial analysis and mapping.
This workshop will provide an overview of resources on campus for getting started with geographic data, spatial analysis and mapping.
This workshop will introduce geocoding - the process of determining the geographic coordinates for place names, zip codes or addresses.
This workshop will introduce methods and libraries for mapping spatial data in R.
This workshop will introduce geocoding - the process of determining the geographic location of a place name, zipcode or address.
Come learn how to turn your data into powerful webmaps using R, Shiny and Leaflet. Shiny is a web application framework for R that lets you turn your analyses into online, interactive tools.