D-Lab is seeking a new graduate student team member to implement our qualitative data analysis (QDA) vision for a spectrum of services, including workshops, consulting and working groups. If you feel inspired to help fellow researchers and students learn about and work with research methods and tools, we're interested in hiring you. The D-Lab supports quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research at each stage of the process—from research design to data analysis—in an open, inclusive environment.  We believe that diversity enhances learning and improves organizational performance. Accordingly, we strongly encourage diverse candidates to apply for this position.

At D-Lab, you will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills while working collaboratively with other students and staff.  As the QDA Topic Area Lead, you will:

  • recruit QDA workshop instructors and consultants

  • serve as a QDA workshop instructor and consultant

  • coordinate the Qualitative Methods Group (QMG) speaker series and its organizing board including the development and administration of the workshop series

  • coordinate a new QDA working group

  • monitor user analytics to ensure that we are meeting students’ needs

  • work with other staff members to identify and develop cross-domain events or workshops

  • participate in D-Lab outreach and orientation activities

  • write blog posts about the D-Lab QDA program

Position Details:

This position is a 50% GSR position with fee remission for the 2017-18 academic year with a training period during the Spring 2017 semester as a Student Assistant IV without fee remission, for 2-5 hours per week. The training period will include orientation with the current Qualitative Data Analysis Lead to “hand-off” responsibilities to you.

Please do not apply unless you can continue through both the Fall of 2017 and the Spring of 2018.

Position Requirements:

  • Positive attitude and a commitment to the D-Lab mission!

  • Strong commitment to and broad experience with qualitative methods  (e.g., participant observation, ethnography, interviewing, archival research)

  • Experience with one or more QDA packages (e.g., Atlas.TI, NVivo, Dedoose, MaxQDA)

  • Experience managing projects and teams and coordinating across projects

  • Experience teaching in front of a class

  • Administrative experience organizing events or activities.


To Apply:  Send resume and cover letter to Zawadi Rucks Ahidiana (zra-soc@berkeley.edu). In addition to highlighting your experience with the position requirements, please describe your suggestions for how D-Lab can better support the campus’ QDA research community in your cover letter.

Deadline to apply: April 14, 2017


Patty Frontiera

Dr. Patty Frontiera is the D-Lab Data Services Lead and a geospatial data scientist.  She is the the official campus representative for ICPSR, the Roper Center, and the Census State Data Center network, and serves as the Co-Director of the Berkeley Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC).  Patty also develops the geospatial workshop curriculum, teaches workshops and consults on geospatial topics.  Patty has been with the D-Lab since 2014 and served as the the Academic Coordinator through Spring 2017. Patty received her Ph.D.