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When & Where
Initial meeting: March 4, 2015, 3 - 5pm
1229 Dwinelle Hall

The Berkeley Unicode Working Group is a forum for anyone interested in Unicode, the international standard for the representation of writing systems (‘alphabets’) on computing platforms. Unicode, and its related specifications, is the ‘deus ex machina’ that enables the creation, storage, display, and exchange of textual and linguistic content in digital media, and as a result it provides an essential foundation for scholarship and research in digital humanities. If you are unsure about what Unicode is, are curious about how to represent various writing systems, want to hear about the latest about the encoding of scripts of Africa and Asia, or simply want to know if a hot dog emoji will soon be available on your phone, please join us! We hold meetings monthly on the UC Berkeley campus. If you have any questions or suggestions on topics for discussion, please email the coordinators.

Note: The Unicode Working Group will hold its initial meeting on Wednesday, 4 March, from 3-5 p.m. in 1229 Dwinelle.
(To get to the room: Enter the bottom floor of Dwinelle from the northwest door -- the door facing the parking lot behind Dwinelle, close to Valley Life Sciences; proceed a few steps down the hallway and turn right. Dwinelle 1229 is on the right.)

Presenters will be Anshuman Pandey (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Linguistics, http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/~pandey/) and Deborah Anderson (Researcher, Dept. of Linguistics, http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/sei/).
For further information, contact Debbie Anderson (dwanders@berkeley.edu)

D-lab Facilitator: 
Patty Frontiera