The R Intensive workshop series is designed to take novices in the R language for statistical computing and produce programmers who are competent in finding, displaying, analyzing, and publishing data in R. Details of daily topics are outlined below.
Please note that this workshop series is not a substitute for a course in statistics.
Day 1 (basics of R)
Students will understand the motivation behind object orientation, and how that relates to computation. Students will be able to perform basic functions in R necessary to use the software on their computers and conduct basic arithmetic. Students will understand the what data types are, and why and how they are different from each other.
Day 2 (reading and munging data)
Students will be able to read in files from disk or a database, clean the data found within them, select specific data from them, and merge them with other datasets. Students will learn what missingness is, and how best to accommodate missing data in their research designs. Students will learn how to split and reshape data to meet different analytic purposes.
Day 3 (analyzing data)
Students will be able to conduct basic exploratory data analysis by summarizing and plotting their data. Students will be able to perform inferential statistics with both parametric and nonparametric tests.
Day 4 (functions and packages)
Students will understand the motivation behind functional orientation, and how that relates to computation. Students will learn how to write and import functions, add looped and vectorized computation to their functions, and control the flow of data through a function. Students will understand the basics of name spaces, and how that relates to assigning values within functions. Students be able to successfully package a function for CRAN.
If you are new to programming, having trouble installing R, or have never heard of version control, you should consider attending Programming FUNdamentals.