This workshop will provide both a conceptual background and practical experience in computer assisted qualitative data analysis (CAQDA) using ATLAS.ti. The workshop begins by examining the core elements common to all CAQDA, regardless of methodological orientation, discipline/profession, or platform. After instruction in the fundamental aspects of CAQDA, the course turns to the logic of the ATLAS.ti program, and how it functions as a tool for CAQDA. The workshop consists of both instruction and hands-on exercises in ATLAS.ti. By the end of the course, participants will have all the conceptual and practical tools necessary to employ ATLAS.ti in their current or future projects involving qualitative data. The workshop will be limited to 15 participants so that everyone receives individual attention.
Topics covered include: 1. How to perform the fundamentals of computer aided qualitative data analysis in ATLAS.ti, 2. The specific strategies necessary for dealing with different types of data including ethnographic field notes, in-depth interviews, texts, audio, video, and documents, 3. How to organize your data set, 4. How to construct and deploy a coding scheme for your project, 5. Making the best use of memos, 6. Inductive and deductive strategies for investigating substantive relationships in your data, 7. The query tool and reverse polish notation, 8. Using ATLAS.ti for team projects, and 9. Advanced functions in ATLAS.ti (e.g. networks, geocoding, quantitative output, supercodes and snapshots, co-occurrence functions, tools for inter-coder reliability, etc.)
This is an intensive workshop co-sponsered with the Center for Ethnographic Research. There is a fee for this workshop. Follow the link to register for detailed information.
All students should bring a laptop with ATLAS.ti installed.
You can buy ATLAS.ti (or download a trial version) here