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When & Where
Mon, March 13, 2017 - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Barrows 356: D-Lab Convening Room

This workshop will introduce the plotly Python module and guide attendees from the getting-started phase through the creation of complex, beautiful visualizations that may be shared on the web.

Prior knowledge: Attendees should have a basic understanding of Python. The workshop will assume that attendees are comfortable with manipulation of basic Python data structures. Completion of D-Lab's Python FUN!damentals workshop series will be sufficient.

Technology requirement: Although not required, it would be helpful if attendees have used IPython/Jupyter notebooks before. Attendees should also set up a free plotly account by clicking here.

The workshop will be run using Jupyter notebooks using a Python 2 kernel. To run all the examples, attendees should have the following `pip` modules installed:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • plotly

The workshop will set aside time in the beginning to ensure attendees have all necessary tools installed and working.

*****Interested in additional plotly training? Check out Plotcon in Oakland May 2-5!*****

Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Susan Grand
Format Detail: 
Interactive, follow-along
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