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When & Where
Fri, December 9, 2016 - 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Barrows 371: D-Lab Breakout Room

This workshop will demonstrate the capabilities of the GeoPandas library for working with spatial data & creating maps in python. We will begin with an introduction to spatial data and progress to mapping and basic geoprocessing and analysis. We will also introduce geocoding as a way to create spatial data. 

Students should have basic competence with python such as that provided by the D-Lab python programming introductory workshop series. The workshop will use the Python 3 in the Jupyter notebook environment. Please install geopandas before the workshop if you wish to follow along.

Please note this is a pilot workshop. As such we very much welcome your participation and feedback during and after the workshop.

Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Patty Frontiera
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