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When & Where
Thu, October 13, 2016 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Barrows 356: D-Lab Convening Room

EndNote is a bibliographic management software program that helps you organize the citations you find when doing research. It also lets you quickly insert these citations into your paper or report and converts them into any of thousands of different styles with a click or two, saving you hours of time when writing papers.

You will get to practice some of the more advanced features in EndNote in this class. This training will include hands-on learning. If you missed the Part 1 of this series and wish to catch up, try these exercises before the workshop begins. 

Technology requirement: Please bring your own laptop. Be sure that it has MS Word loaded. You will also need to download the free trial version of EndNote before class unless you already have this program.

Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Susan Grand
Format Detail: 
Interactive, hands-on
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