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When & Where
Tue, April 8, 2014 - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
D-Lab Convening Room

In this workshop, we will use grasshopper, a graphical scripting interface for Rhino, as an engine to parse and related diverse data sets with each other, and create a wide range of data visualizations. Emphasis will be placed on the interdisciplinary applications for data visualization. The data visualizations will aim to provide and create new unforeseen relationships between different data sets and conditions. We will experiment with different scales of data, from an urban scale, to an atomic scale. We will work with tabular data (csv files), and web data (JSONS, geoJSONS). 

Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Gabriel Kaprielian
Participant Technology Requirement: 
Bring a laptop running Windows with Rhino5 and Grasshopper installed