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When & Where
Fri, May 1, 2020 - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Remote (Zoom link below)

Zoom Link 

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Join us in our new talk series to hear about the incredible work of our D-Lab Data Science Fellows!

We will be discussing:

Text as Issue: Measuring Issues Preferences among Minority Groups through Ethnic Newspapers

Survey research has been central in studying racial and ethnic politics in the United States (US). However, because most of these surveys developed in the 1990s and 2000s, they are not useful if researchers were interested in historical questions. A text-as-data approach provides a solution to this problem by turning ethnic newspaper articles into data.

Primary Tool: 
Training Learner Level: 
Not Applicable
Training Host: 
Participant Technology Requirement: 
Laptop, Internet connection, Zoom account
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