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When & Where
Fri, October 9, 2015 - 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
64 Barrows

This is the second workshop in a 3-part Stata series offered at the D-Lab that includes: 1) Intro to Stata, 2) Data Analysis in Stata and 3) Stata Programming. You can register for one, two or all three of these workshops. We recommend all three if you are new to Stata. The second workshop in the series will cover the following topics:

  • Basic graphs (histograms, bar graphs, scatter plots)
  • Correlation tables
  • Scales
  • T-tests
  • OLS and logistic regression (basic syntax, using interaction terms, interpreting output)
  • Regression post-estimation (getting predicted values, basic graphs)


A basic understanding of variables (nominal, ordinal, continuous), descriptive stats (mean, standard deviation), correlation, and regression would be assumed. 

Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Patty Frontiera
Participant Technology Requirement: 
You do not need to bring your own computer as this workshop be held in a computer lab with access to Stata. If you bring your computer, you can install a trial version of Stata.