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When & Where
Wed, February 26, 2020 - 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Barrows 371: D-Lab Large Breakout Room

The Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group began in 2011 as a place to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations around topics in the Digital Humanities (broadly defined).  We welcome participants from all disciplinary backgrounds, beginners and experts in digital skills, students, faculty, and staff.  The agenda for our biweekly meetings is participant driven, and we typically hold a variety of meetings, including project presentations, hackerspace-style open project days, and mashup meetings with other working groups.  Our major project for the year is planning the DH Faire, an event in the spring consisting of a faculty panel, a reception with poster presentations, and other events hosted by our partner groups.  The DH Working Group is sponsored by the Townsend Center for the Humanities and hosted in D-Lab.  It is a fantastic place for interdisciplinary conversation and networking across campus units, and we welcome you to join!

Check the D-Lab Calendar to view and register for upcoming working group meetings.

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