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When & Where
Fri, March 19, 2021 - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Remote (Zoom link forthcoming)

Computational Text Analysis Working Group (CTAWG)

Title: AI and Archives: finding the optimal path from analog to digital

Presenter: Adam Anderson, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Digital Humanities, UC Berkeley

Abstract: Adam Anderson will describe a work in progress, which is supported by a team of developers through a Data Science Discovery program. The goal of the project is to model the research landscape for a given field or discipline. The workflow accomplishes this by implementing the latest OCR technology and NLP frameworks for drawing relationships between the books and articles of an archive. The resulting models provide insights into a corpus of texts too large for any single scholar to read in their lifetime. 

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Primary Tool: 
Training Learner Level: 
Intermediate to Advanced Competency
Training Host: 
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