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Deputy Director, D-Lab; Cyberinfrastructure Architect and Consulting Lead

Aaron Culich is a staff member at the D-Lab with expertise in Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Databases (SQL and NoSQL), JupyterHub and BinderHub infrastructure, and a variety of programming languages (Python, R, Java, C, C++, and more). His ongoing mission is to explore new compute possibilities, discovering useful tools and practices, and making them more accessible to researchers on campus and beyond.


Not currently availalble

Provide guidance for moving research workflows into a computing environment beyond the laptop to make use of cloud computing, high performance computing, or campus infrastructure. Especially when your needs for memory (RAM), storage space, or computing power exceeds what resources you have at your fingertips. Works closely with D-Lab working groups: Computational Text Analysis and Machine Learning.

Working Groups

2nd Monday of each month
Every other Friday, 1:00-2:00pm
Not currently active
2nd Monday of the month, 2:00 - 3:00pm