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When & Where
Thu, May 6, 2021 - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Remote (Zoom information forthcoming)


Qualtrics is a powerful online tool available to Berkeley community members that can be used for a range of data collection activities.  Primarily, Qualtrics is designed to make web surveys easy to write, test, and implement, but the software can be used for data entry, training, quality control, evaluation, market research, pre/post-event feedback, and other uses with some creativity.  This overview will introduce a simple workflow using the system with an orientation to the main interfaces for web survey design, sample management, corresponding with sample members, and exporting data at the end of the field period.  Examples from completed surveys in public health, economics, program evaluation, and other disciplines will be incorporated in the overview.

This workshop will introduce students to the basics of designing a survey instrument using the Qualtrics platform, such as randomization and survey flow. We will also cover more advanced topics like implementing embedded data and using javascript, as well as tips and tricks on how to use your design to maximize the number of quality responses you get.

Training Keywords: 
Qualitative Methods
Primary Tool: 
Training Learner Level: 
Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Evan Muzzall
Format Detail: 
Remote, hands-on, interactive
Participant Technology Requirement: 
Laptop, Internet connection, Zoom account
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