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When & Where
Wed, April 20, 2016 - 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
D-Lab: Convening Room (356 Barrows Hall)

We'll learn about spatial data projection, cartography, and basic spatial analysis in Python. In particular we'll use geopandas, which spatializes pandas dataframes, and matplotlib's basemap toolkit. We'll introduce how to perform some basic GIS functions in pure Python code, how to plot point data over shapefiles and shaded relief maps, and how to plot choropleth maps in Python.

Prerequisites: Some prior knowledge of Python and basic GIS concepts and terminology. Before the session, install the geopandas, shapely, geopy, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, and basemap Python packages. We'll be working in Python 2.7. Also please make sure you have installed the prerequisite python packages and have tested that they are working.



Training Host: 
D-lab Facilitator: 
Colleen Kredell