February 12, 2014

This 2-hour workshop is geared towards applied researchers looking to use R for basic data analysis.

Training: R for Beginners
March 19, 2014

This 2-hour workshop introduces the basics of data analysis in R, a powerful and free open-source programming environment.

Training: Graphics in R
February 19, 2014

This 2-hour workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of graphics in R.

Training: Useful Stuff in R
March 5, 2014

This 2-hour workshop is geared towards applied researchers looking to use R for basic data analysis.

January 14, 2014 to January 17, 2014

The workshop will provide an intensive introduction to R, spanning a total of 12 hours of instruction over 4 days.  Topics to be covered include:

January 14, 2014 to January 17, 2014

The workshop will provide an intensive introduction to R, spanning a total of 12 hours of instruction over 4 days.  Topics to be covered include:

November 12, 2013

This 3-hour workshop is geared towards R users hoping to learn some advanced skills.

Training: Graphics in R
October 22, 2013

This 2-hour workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of graphics in R.

Training: R for Stata Users
November 19, 2013

This 2-hour workshop is geared towards users with previous knowledge of Stata looking to carry out data analysis in R.  It will offer participants a side-by-side comparison of how the same analytic

Training: Useful Stuff in R
November 5, 2013

This 2-hour workshop is geared towards applied researchers looking to use R for basic data analysis.  It will introduce participants to the basics of data manipulation (notably using plyr 
