February 11-14 is Love Data Week and the campus is hosting a number of events to celebrate!

This nationwide campaign is designed to raise awareness about data management, security, sharing, and preservation. Students, researchers, librarians and data specialists are invited to attend these events to gain hands on experience, learn about resources and best practices and engage in discussions around data needs throughout the research process.

 The schedule is shown below. To register for these events please visit: https://guides.lib.berkeley.edu/ldw2019.





Intro to Savio workshop  

3:30-5:00 pm, Dwinelle 127 (Academic Innovation Studio)

Berkeley Research Computing is offering an introductory training session on using Savio, the campus Linux high-performance computing cluster. New, prospective, and current users are invited.



Code Ocean lunch & learn

12:00-1:00 pm, Doe Library, Room 190 (BIDS)

Join us for a demonstration and Q&A session on the Code Ocean platform! This cloud-based computational reproducibility platform provides an easy way to share, discover, and run published code.



Preparing your data and code for reproducible publication

2:00-4:00 pm, Doe Library, Room 190 (BIDS)

This is a step-by-step, practical workshop to prepare your research code and data for computationally reproducible publication.



Shaping Clouds: Scaling Infrastructure for Research and Instruction at Berkeley

1:00-2:00 pm, Doe Library, Room 190 (BIDS)

Join us for a showcase and community discussion about two cutting-edge cloud platforms, Analytic Environments on Demand (AEoD) and JupyterHub, and how best to provide a holistic ecosystem of these and other tools.



Data Security: I just called to say I love you

1:00-2:00 pm, Dwinelle 127 (Academic Innovation Studio)

Learn what love the Information Security & Policy office shows campus and why a day without ISP would break the University's heart. We will also talk about simple ways you can protect your identity and show your data love.


We hope to see you there!

Sponsored by the University Library,  Research IT, Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS), Information, Security and Policy, Division of Data Science, and Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS).  



Amy Neeser

 Amy Neeser is the Research Data Management Program Manager, an appointment shared between Research IT and the Library.Amy coordinates the day-to-day running of the RDM program and participates in the program's diverse set of activities. Her primary responsibility is to align the program's activities in order to achieve the goal of helping UC Berkeley researchers and the campus address the many challenges and opportunities associated with research data.