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When & Where
Mondays 5:30pm-7:00pm
371 Barrows Hall, D-Lab Breakout Room

What are the origins and consequences of a networked society? Networks are a growing field within many disciplines, including sociology, economics, computer science, and physics. This group will take an interdisciplinary approach for exploring these and related questions, and will familiarize itself with the latest tools being developed to study networks.

During the first class, participants will design a reading list of networks research based on their experience and interests. Each week, one or two readings will be discussed, led by a member of the group. In addition to discussing networks-based research, participants will also learn how to use a networks analysis software package, such as Gephi, by completing a short problem set each week. Lastly, over the course of the semester, each participant will also present her/his own networks-related research. The goal is that we will increase our understanding of networks research by becoming more familiar with the approaches taken by one another's disciplines.

Interested students should REGISTER and can learn more about the working group by attending a preliminary meeting on August 28th at 1pm in D-Lab. While attending this preliminary meeting is not mandatory for participation, if you are unable to make it, please register and get in touch with the working group's coordinator, Carl Nadler (cnadler@econ.berkeley.edu), since a poll will be taken at this meeting to determine when future meetings will occur. Questions about the working group can also be addressed to Carl. Any researcher working on networks-related research is welcome to attend.