Saika consults on Stata, Latex, Opinio, Survey design (general), Economics research (esp. labor, behavioral, development). I am interested in helping with questions on data inputting, cleaning, statistical analysis, data management, and programming on Stata. I'm very happy to work with beginners as well as those who have more advanced queries. I am also happy to answer general research design questions on sample design, experiment design, and econometric methods. Additionally, I can help with identifying data sources for economics, and exploring national dataset features such as CPS, NLS, etc.
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Saika Belal is a PhD student in the department of Agricultural & Resource Economics (ARE) studying labor, behavioral and development economics. Her research focuses on whether preferences, beliefs and other behavioral parameters move over time and in response to scarcity, and whether these movements suggest a behavioral poverty trap. Her current project looks at movements in impatience due to time and monetary constraints, and involves conducting lab experiments, lab-in-the-field experiments, and behavioral sensing based on responses to mobile phone-based surveys and tasks.