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Our Mission

D-Lab helps Berkeley faculty, staff, and students move forward with world-class research in data intensive social science. We think of data as an expansive category, one that is constantly changing as the research frontier moves. We offer a venue for methodological exchange from all corners of campus and across its bounds. 

D-Lab provides cross-disciplinary resources for in-depth consulting and advising, access to staff support, and training and provisioning for software and other infrastructure needs. Networking with other Berkeley centers and facilities and with our departments and schools, we offer our services to researchers across the disciplines and underwrite the breadth of excellence of Berkeley’s graduate programs and faculty research. D-Lab builds networks through which Berkeley researchers can connect with users of social science data in the off-campus world.

For more about us, read our FAQs or look through our training offerings and consulting. Our main and satellite spaces are the Social Sciences Building and Evans Hall. Contact us if you have questions or requests.