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Drop-In Hours: 
3:00 pm-5:00 pm
Consulting Services: 
Python, R, SQL, Matlab, LaTEX, HTML / CSS, Databases & SQL, data visualization, Machine learning, regression analysis, hierarchical models

I'm a PhD student in the Physics department at Berkeley. My research lies in the realm of theoretical/computational neuroscience, which aims to use mathematical and computational tools to better understand how neural systems operate and process information. My projects include using information theoretic techniques to study how neural variability impacts information processing in neural circuits and investigating the statistical issues that impede the interpretation of parametric models of neural activity. Beyond research, I'm committed to advancing racial and gender equity through community building and improving local governance. I've previously worked with Respect is Part of Research (a peer-led sexual harassment/violence prevention workshop), OpenOakland, DataKind, and Delta Analytics.

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