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Qualitative Data Lead

Zawadi is a PhD candidate in the sociology department. Since 2015, she has been the Qualitative Data Lead at D-Lab.  She leads workshops on qualitative data analysis, provides consulting for qualitative projects, and organizes the Qualitative Methods Group working group. 

Her prior research experience includes interviews, observations, and documents in both academic and evaluation research. She offers guidance for coding and analysis plans, data management, data security, and group coding for projects using qualitative data analysis software, word processing tools, spreadsheets, and paper and highlighters. Software assistance available for both NVivo and Atlas.TI.

Prior to graduate school at Berkeley, Zawadi worked in evaluation research at MDRC and the Community College Research Center, taught program evaluation, and completed a Master's in Public Administration.


Qualitative Methods
Not currently available.

I am not accepting consultation requests at this time

Consulting for qualitative projects including interviews, observations, and/or documents. Guidance for coding and analysis plans, data management, data security, and group coding for projects using qualitative data analysis software, word processing tools, spreadsheets, and paper and highlighters. Software assistance available for both NVivo and Atlas.TI. Also available for evaluation research design.

If you'd like to request a consultation with Zawadi, please include the following: a brief description of your project, data and what stage you are at in the research process.


Working Groups

Not currently active