Geospatial data are an important component of social science and humanities data visualization and analysis.
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Training: GeoPandas: Parts 1-2
December 7, 2020 to December 9, 2020
Geospatial data are an important component of social science and humanities data visualization and analysis.
Training: GIS Fundamentals with QGIS, Part 1-2
September 11, 2020 to September 18, 2020
This workshop will introduce methods for working with geospatial data in QGIS, a popular open-source desktop GIS program that runs on both PCs and Macs as well as linux computers.
Training: Geospatial Data in R: Part 3
July 10, 2020
Zoom Link
To obtain the Zoom link for this workshop please click the link below:
Training: Geospatial Data in R: Part 2
July 6, 2020
Zoom Link
To obtain the Zoom link for this workshop please click the link below:
Training: Geospatial Data in R: Part 1
June 26, 2020
Zoom Link
To obtain the Zoom link for this workshop please click the link below:
January 31, 2020
Geospatial data are an important component data visualization and analysis in the social sciences, humanities, and elsewhere.