Getting research materials in a digital form that you can search and computationally analyze can be a time-consuming initial step in the research process.
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This two-hour course will review the fundamental concepts of GIS, demonstrating them through basic mapping and analysis of a variety of spatial datasets.
This two-hour course will review the fundamental concepts of GIS, demonstrating them through basic mapping and analysis of a variety of spatial datasets.
The Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group began in 2011 as a place to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations around topics in the Digital Humanities (broadly defined). We welcom
The Berkeley Digital Humanities Working Group began in 2011 as a place to facilitate interdisciplinary conversations around topics in the Digital Humanities (broadly defined). We welcom
Sometimes you just want/need to make a map!
This workshop will introduce the ArcGIS Online (AGOL) platform. AGOL is a web-based mapping software that allows you to build maps and explore data online.
This workshop will cover the basic concepts involved in georeferencing/georectifiying a digital image and provide hands-on practice using a web-based interface.
QMG continues this fall! To register for workshops and presentations, look for events titled "QMG Presents" on the D-Lab calendar or trainings page.
This workshop will introduce the D3 javascript library and provide hands-on examples to create charts and maps with sample data. This is a two part workshop!